Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How Old?!?!?

You Are 27 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Take the quiz and let me I the only one acting older than I am??! ;)

Paradise Almost Lost

Back in December, a "Lost World" was discovered in the Foga mountains of Indonesia. Over 2 million acres of rainforest. An area of land where no human had ever walked. "As close to the garden of Eden as you'll ever find on Earth" was how one of the scientists described it. Click here to read about it. Mammals that were hunted to near extinction were found in abundance here. Over 2 dozen new species of butterfly, bird and frog were discovered. No traces of civilisation, no knowledge of any person ever having set foot within this paradise.

And do you want to know the strangest thing? These "wild" animals, showed absolutely NO fear towards humans. They had never known the cruelty that humans shower upon the animal race, and so had never known the fear that other animals have toward us. The animals walked right up to the scientists and allowed themselves to be picked up!

When we describe something as WILD we are defining what is "wild". Perhaps we are the wild ones. We are most certainly the ones who have lost our way; the ones who have lost touch with the natural world and all that encompasses it. We are the ones who are empty within, who believe that nothing else exists but us. A whole world has been developed where the only thing that seems to matter is the human being. We forget that without animals, without plants, without nature, we would not be able to survive.

The Earth willingly gives us more than enough crops to feed us, and yet we rape and pillage her. Taking without appreciating. As if she is there just to serve us. Have we forgotten the animals that share our earth?? Oh how greedy and foolish we are. These "worries" that we have. These "cares", they are not real. They are a part of this elaborate play of 'modern life' that we are putting on. Putting on for whom? For our own enjoyment??

Where did we go wrong?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

More Than A Nina Simone Coincedence?

Does it mean anything that every shop I went to in town today had Nina Simone playing in it?
4 shops on different sides of the city...all playing Nina Simone...2 of them the same song at the time I walked in.
Does it mean anything else that these are shops I didnt mean to go into, but were drawn to as I passed?
Hmmm...I think I know what it means. But I dont think I can post it here. Let's just say, the universe may be telling me that I made a wrong decision with regards to a certain person lately.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Respectable Dead

Francis Stuart, from "Things To Live For"

"There is an emptiness within the human breast, a hunger for we hardly know what, that is the deepest and wildest of all desires. It is the falling in love with life, the dark deep flow below the surface. Subtle, crude, beautiful, terrible. A few have dared to open their arms to it, to plunge into it, and always they are wounded and humiliated; but they have been touched, have been caressed by those fiery fingers that curved the universe, and there remains about them a breadth, a spaciousness, a warmth of genius.
...the wounds are as precious to me as the ecstasy. For both bring me close to that lovely, terrible, profligate, austere thing that is life. To love, that is all that matters. To lavish love even on objects unworthy of it is infinitely better than living a cold, ordered life in a study, in an office, or even in a garden tending flowers. It is only through opening one's arms to life that one will find the ultimate peace and security. Only through suffering and loving. There is no short-cut. Protecting oneself against life is not peace but death. Of all the strage varied people I have met it has not been the sinners, the degraded, the drunkards, the gamblers, the crooks, the harlots who have made me shudder, but the dead, the respectable dead; cut off like a branch from the tree.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Francis Stuart

For lack of anything of significance to write about, allow me to quote from a favourite book of mine, by a wonderful writer. From "Things To Live For", by Francis Stuart.
He speaks of Dublin and Ireland.

"I walked through those streets that I once fought to defend, feeling a little like a stranger. And it was this spirit of smugness and deadness that we fought against and were defeated by. The spirit of liberal democracy. We fought to stop Ireland falling into the hands of publicans and shop-keepers, and she has fallen into their hands...
...Democracy is the ideal of those whose lives as individuals are failures and who, feeling their own futility, take refuge in the mass and become arrogant in the herd. The productive worker, who takes pride in his work and exults in it, is never democratic because he feels no need for this refuge. He stands alone. He does not believe in the rule of the majority because he does not feel himself to be one of the majority. The skill that he brings to his work is something unique and differentiates him.