Sunday, June 18, 2006

On The Eve Of Something

i awoke this morning with this tingling of anticipation running up and down my spine, gushing through my veins and sending waves of apprehension crashing through my ears, my muscles pulsating to the rhythm of expectation. expectation of something looming on the horizon. an event so grand in scale and proportion, its importance and worth immeasurable at this moment in time.
what it is, i don't know. what i do know is that something is about to happen. i can feel it in my bones. feel it in my very soul. its a knowledge gleaned from sources i cannot even imagine. its a preparation over which i have no control. a change i am about to undergo. good or bad, i cannot even begin to predict. i shall have to wait; wait and see. or wait and feel. wait and know. wait and understand. wait to realise what already the universe knows.

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