Thursday, October 05, 2006

First Day In Dublin

Well, first day here. Got the 7 am train from Cork with my cat, my laptop, a suitcase that took 3 grown men to lift, and about a million other things. Can't believe I made it up here alive!
But, I did! And I've even registered.
Don't know if I'll be able to survive the year though. Surrounded by pompous, pretentious, annoying people who think they're something just because they're in Kings Inns. Hello!! It's not that big a deal!
Oh, the things I had to listen to today...
"Ah, yes...blah blah blah the Italian 150 euro jacket I bought for Kings Inns."
Ok, sorry, but...150 euro? That's cheap for a nice jacket!!!!
And what about the guy who thinks the world spins for him:
"Oh, looks like I had nothing to worry about, well or so the results showed. Yadda Yadda Blah Blah *cue rolling of eyes and smug expression* I'm so wonderful I'd love to smother myself with chocolate and lick it all off I'm just so amazing."
Ok, I may be exaggerating, but that's the extent that this particular person loves himself. Let's call him 'Bighead'. I have a feeling I'll be writing about him alot. The urge to take my gown and strangle him with it is almost, I say almost, too much to ignore. Still though, suppose I must just ignore him and let him live out his egotistical life in peace...if only for the sake of chocolate spread makers worldwide.

Until next time..

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