Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An Epiphany and A Cheese Sandwich

This morning, around 5 am, I woke up with a revelation.

A revelation beyond all revelations. An epiphany; A divination; A vision. The truth manifested itself before me, and I was born again! Well, maybe not, but it was pretty strange!

In my dream, I was handed a book. And without opening this book, I instantly gathered the essence of its message, of what it was telling. My eyes popped open, I was wide awake, and for reasons I could not grasp I just knew I had to write this message down before it escaped me.
Was it a strangely vivid dream? Was it just my brain coming up with ideas in my sleep? I don't know, but what I do know is that, at 5 am, this seemed pretty big! Before my sleep filled eyes I was being handed an oscar, a grammy, a nobel prize for all categories rolled into one, a cheese sandwich. I dont know where the cheese sandwich fitted in, maybe I was hungry.
Point is, this is MY idea. I've got a law degree, so if any idea-stealing person decides to steal this here idea which I am about to reveal to you, I shall personally hunt him (or her) down, squeeze them till their eyes pop out, then sue them and take everything they have. Simple as that.

Last night, it was revealed to me why so many tragedies and disasters are raining down upon us now. The answer, my dears, is....SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Yes, a theory that has been put forth many times, but not this way.... listen closely.

As a race, we have become so dependant on oil. Oil for everything. From washing our clothes, to cooking our food, to electricity, to communication, to transportation. Ok look, I'm not a scientist, but I do know that we have evolved into beings that would be unable to survive at our present state without oil. Oil is running out. Countries are blowing other countries up for their oil-look at Iraq. Oil hungry Americans stealing all their oil. Point is, in another decade or so, we will have nearly run out of all oil reserves. In another 50 years who's to know what's to become of us?? These disasters are the worlds way, our way, to ensure that less people will have to deal with this ultimate crisis that we will be facing in the not so distant future. It's the earths way of ensuring only the fittest survive. That, at the end, only those who are able to live without being dependant on oil will survive. Our only hope for survival is to come up with alternative fuels. Yes, you know that already. But these disasters are the earths way of telling us again. Its way of drilling the point into our brains. I was given the answer, now spread the word my messengers, spread the word.

Strangely enough...this sounded ALOT better at 5 am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Zeniz!

the last time i checked out your blog it was green! ( yeah been a while, im sorry lol). quite impressive though i must say, i dont think i update my site as much as you do... but i thought id leave you a message and say hi!
mmm i want a cheese sandwich!
