Friday, March 10, 2006

A Neuro-Surgeon Cat!

I really hate it when people humour me.
I have some strange thoughts sometimes, people may even go so far as to say all the time, and granted I do believe in things that much of the severly misguided public have been conditioned to think are stupid. But you know what, if you don't agree with me, please tell me. Tell me you think its an idiotic idea and that I'm a mad woman who probably has a million stray cats following me around...I don't care! It wouldnt be too far from the truth and its alot better than just nodding and smiling.

I have a cat called Fluffy. She's no ordinary cat, even though her name may imply some sort of ordinariness if you will. She's super intelligent, and I would even go so far as to say that she's a cat genius. I sometimes feel that we havent given her enough chances in life you know. She has the talent and brains to be whatever she wanted to be. A fire-fighter, a surgeon, an actress, a model, a spokes-cat for the UN!! She could do it all and still have time for a cat nap in the afternoon. And yet...why do people have such a hard time believing this? Why is it so hard to believe that animals can be so intelligent? Ok, I'm not actually serious when I say she could be a surgeon...her paws just wouldn't be able to hold that scalpel too good. But when people smirk and humour me when I tell tales of her intelligence, I feel I must hold firm and say with a resounding YES that I fully believe she could be a neurosurgeon if the thought so came upon her. It's the principle of the thing.

Animals are no less smarter than humans and alot of them are smarter than some humans I know. So there! Fluffy is a genius and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. In the meantime... let's talk about telepathy!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Animals no less smarter than Humanns?..Im sure Fluffy's way smarter than Bush..Hell, she could probably run for president instead..She will do a much better positive...Now, all we need is a cat translater

ZanZoon said...

Me! Me!
I'll be the Translator!!

Anonymous said...

You said it zen! as someone else who knows fluffy i have to totally agree with you and say that she could be a surgeon if she really wanted to be! shes way smarter than the majority of humans and ppl who dont believe you are just small minded and almost certainly the ppl that she is smarter than!

ZanZoon said...

Well said Dan! As the person who knows Fluffs the best, I think you have all the knowledge to be an authority on the subject of Fluffy's intelligence!
She really misses you by the way...