Friday, March 10, 2006

A Neuro-Surgeon Cat!

I really hate it when people humour me.
I have some strange thoughts sometimes, people may even go so far as to say all the time, and granted I do believe in things that much of the severly misguided public have been conditioned to think are stupid. But you know what, if you don't agree with me, please tell me. Tell me you think its an idiotic idea and that I'm a mad woman who probably has a million stray cats following me around...I don't care! It wouldnt be too far from the truth and its alot better than just nodding and smiling.

I have a cat called Fluffy. She's no ordinary cat, even though her name may imply some sort of ordinariness if you will. She's super intelligent, and I would even go so far as to say that she's a cat genius. I sometimes feel that we havent given her enough chances in life you know. She has the talent and brains to be whatever she wanted to be. A fire-fighter, a surgeon, an actress, a model, a spokes-cat for the UN!! She could do it all and still have time for a cat nap in the afternoon. And yet...why do people have such a hard time believing this? Why is it so hard to believe that animals can be so intelligent? Ok, I'm not actually serious when I say she could be a surgeon...her paws just wouldn't be able to hold that scalpel too good. But when people smirk and humour me when I tell tales of her intelligence, I feel I must hold firm and say with a resounding YES that I fully believe she could be a neurosurgeon if the thought so came upon her. It's the principle of the thing.

Animals are no less smarter than humans and alot of them are smarter than some humans I know. So there! Fluffy is a genius and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. In the meantime... let's talk about telepathy!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Battle Of The Sexes

Back when I started this blog, I posted on a little something I called Role Reversal. Click here to read it. I brought up the question of whether, in our modern society, women, in their quest to break free from male domination, have succeeded in reversing traditional gender roles and have indeed begun to dominate the men!

Today, I'd like to make some attempt at talking about something slightly more serious than what fruit you are! Today, I'd like to talk about equality...well to an extent anyhow.

It really annoys me when women insist on being treated like men. This, it seems, is their idea of "equality". Can they not see that by these actions they are indirectly affirming the dominance and emminence of the male gender? By placing as a prerequisite of being treated as an equal human being, the condition of being treated like a MAN, we are inadvertently placing men in a superior category to women. We are saying that, yes, we acknowledge that men are superior to women, and therefore we demand that you treat us as a man in order that we may achieve the same level of superiority as the average man.

Superiority? What superiority? Men may rule the world, but women rule the men. A woman who is confident with herself, with her sexuality and with her femininity will understand that although men may be in possession of the token position of power in this world, it is really the women that wield the most power. The importance of being a woman is immeasurable, and it really upsets me to see so many women today deny themselves the pleasure of their femininity in order to become more like these men they hold such aspirations to imitate.

When I studied Feminism, I was browsing a second hand bookstore and came across this amazing book written by one George Gilder, entitled "Men and Marriage" (Check it out here, make sure you scroll down and read the reviews!). Unlike the suggestion of the title, the book is not about getting a man to marry you. Instead, this book deals with differences between the genders, deals with problems in society caused by these differences and most importantly, deals with the problems caused by feminists upsetting the delicate balance of the sexes and setting in mortion events which are leading to the destruction of society.

Perhaps you might feel that the effects of feminism are being exaggerated, however, it cannot be denied that irreversible changes have been brought about by the denial and ignorance of womens powers of femininity, and these changes are slowly but surely leading to devasting effects on society as we know it.

Gilder makes alot of valid arguments, however I will deal with just one of them here. From the outset, there is an imbalance between the sexes. Women possess what he calls "sexual superiority" over men. They go through pregnancy, breast feeding and greater bonding with the children as a result. Their monthly periods are a continuous reminder to them that, as a woman, they possess the ability to continue the human race so to speak. While any man can provide the sperm, the role of the woman is much more important in reproduction. Men are replaceable in such situations. One man can impregnante a whole town! While men have less control over their sexual urges, women can control theirs somewhat more, and in doing so can control those of their men. Through their sexual superiority, women encourage men to look toward the future.

In such ways, women from the outset are superior to men. There is an imbalance between the sexes.

In order to achieve balance, a forte must be created for the men. An area in which the men will excel, will be superior to women and therefore achieve balance between the sexes. Enter Society. Men became entrusted with providing for the women and children. They were given social superiority in order to offset the imbalance caused by the sexual superiority of women.

So what happens when women come along and insist on taking the place of men in society? When women insist on being the providers instead of the men? Men feel emasculated. Their purpose in life is gone. They have no reason to exist, if you will. (Realise I am slightly exagerrating in order to get the point across). Gilder goes on to point out that in such cases, men have nothing controlling their 'barbaric' and 'irresponsible' urges. They begin to wreak havoc on society. See the ghettos in America. Or street gangs. Are you telling me that if those men had families to support they would be sitting around on their asses pointing guns at whoever pissed them off? No, they wouldn't.

It's an interesting theory, and I would recommend that, if you're interested in the battle of the sexes, you should try and get your hands on a copy of Gilder's "Men and Marriage". I think Amazon has a few second hand copies for less than $3.

Point is, men and women are fundamentally different. Men are physically stronger, there's no use in trying to deny that. And because women are physically weaker, over the generations we have had to evolve intricate ways of controlling them not by using our brawn, but using our brains and the sexual superiority given to us by mother nature. I have no time for women who insist on being treated as an equal to men. I am not unnequal, but I am a woman. I accept and embrace my differences, and I will not accept a man treating me like one of the boys.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Know What It Means To Be Effortless

Tao Te Ching said:
"Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place".
How true that is. How true, and yet how difficult to grasp. The human mind seems to feel that in order to get anything done, one has to expend energy. One has to exert oneself.
It's true that some things deserve alot of thought, others require much concentration, indeed many things we do must be done with skill and precision. But, the longer I spend on this earth, the stronger I feel that the best things happen when you let them happen. You perform your best when you act effortlessly, and without strain. You do things you never thought you could do when you don't try so hard.

If I try to sing something and I find it doesnt really suit my voice that well, I strain and I push my voice and to be honest it sounds terrible. But the minute I sit back and let the song come forward without push, without effort, its just comes...naturally.
Last night at salsa, I couldnt get some moves. I tried and tried, and they just wouldnt come. But when I cleared my head, stayed calm and just moved without thinking, they came to me perfectly.

When you want something in life, it usually comes to you when you dont try and push it. True you need to work for what you want in life, but if its not coming to you straight away, dont worry, keep doing what you're doing, dont stress, and trust that if its meant to be it will.

Lieh-Tze tells us:
"If you understand what it means to be effortless, then there is nothing you cannot do. You can be yin or yang, hard or soft, short or long, round or square, hot or cold; you can live or die, float or sink, strike a high pitch or low, appear or disappear, take on colourations of black or yellow, become sweet or bitter, and be fragrent or pungent. By knowing and doing nothing, you can know all and do all."

Sunday, March 05, 2006

On A Mission

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing and i'm officially unemployed again!
ahhhh the sweet smell of satisfaction!
Its gooooood!
So what have I done to mark the occasion? What have I spent each morning doing since I handed in my notice? It's amazing isn't how things always seem alot better when you're not doing it. When I was but dreaming of these days they seemed filled with promise.
Filled to the brim with endless possibilities.
A healthy breakfast, perhaps a quick workout, a chapter written in the novel I'd start, shopping, a spot of baking, perhaps a little trip to pool to swim a hundred laps or so, with just enough time to squeeze in a bit of saving the world before lunch!
Brilliant! Unfortunately, things never really do work out the way you plan do they?
So far, I have tried unsuccessfully both days to drag my lazy ass out of bed. Manage to get myself into the shower, and then thats when it hits. The laziness sets in...and I slowly begin to remember why I wanted to work in the first place!

So today marks the last day of laziness and boredom! Starting life and my house are getting a complete makeover. I'm going on a major shopping spree, with the money I earned thank you very much! I cut so much off my hair last week, now its time for a new look to match the new hair! Watch out Mom because I'll be turning the house upside down...havent used it in the last week? It's outta here!! I will take no prisoners! This is WAR!

God help anyone who gets in my way...I'm on a mission! Wonder how long it'll last? ;)