Thursday, April 27, 2006


Oh, and his name is O'Malley.

Thanks for all the was a very hard decision to make

The Eyes Of My Eyes Are Opened

In the words of ee cummings
"i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of allnothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)"

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

But For How Long More?

while driving i wonder why no driver smiles. why everyone has upon their face a look of sadness and regret. anticipation not of good times to come, but of the troubles that are bound to come their way. if we expect troubles then we will get them. if we don't we still might. but at least we've saved ourselves some years of worry. and yet, im not going to drive around with a stupid smile on my face, because its really hard to. beeping horns, dim-witted pedestrians who feel the need to cross as the traffic lights turn green, traffic jams, petrol prices, sun in my eyes. oh how i long for the simplicity of the days i never experienced. when the whole world you would ever know was a mere mile or two around you. the world is contracting, our own worlds are expanding, our ability to love perhaps shrinking, our capacity for real communication gone.
a few months ago i posted about our increasing ability to practice the art of what i called "politeful ignorance". click here to read it.
we've also become adept at believing that everyone is against us. with all that's going on around the world, its no wonder. what ever happened to helpful salespeople? or friendly drivers? or happy children?
well, maybe the children are still happy. but i cant help but wonder..for how long more?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Break. With Normality..

It's really hard to study when you've got a million and one things going through your head. Its even harder when those million and one things are all the same one thought. just in different forms... quite pointless.
Ah its all really quite pointless if you think about it.
At the end of it all, it doesnt matter what we do. What we say. Whether we get out of bed in the morning, whether we do our job. Give it 50 years and the world will have forgotten who we are. Except for the small few who do something which this superficial world deems worthy of committing to its memory. The strong write history. So do the dictators, the controllers, and the "democratically elected elite". So why do we carry on? I dont know. Maybe because if we didnt we'd probably go crazy. Someone once said "We're all born crazy. Some of us stay that way."
It's those who live at the edges of society that still hold on to the craziness that lies within us. Those who have been shunned by state and society are those who are most in touch with the demons and deep emotions that we daily bury deeper into our subconscious. Deeper until one day some of us explode, and do something so "out of character" that we wonder how we ever thought he was "normal". It's not normal to conform. Or maybe it is. Normality is what we label it to be and in this world that we live side by side in, conformity is normality. The law tells us what is normal. The law is written by those who for some reason believe themselves to be more "normal" than others. Some people are born more "normal" than others. Like the animals in Orwells Animal Farm, "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others". Abiding by this code of normality is unfortunately what most of us spend our entire lives worrying about. We worry that we'll betray the demons within us if we act strange. Yes, normality is the mask we hide behind when we can't face the depths of our emotions. And yet...what would happen if there wasnt this yardstick against which we can measure our actions? How would we ensure society would be protected from those who would cause it harm? Perhaps normality is safety... and it is if you think about it. When you meet someone who arouses intense emotions within you, a sense of fear overcomes you. A sense that you may have met a person for whom "being normal" is significantly harder. May have met a person who has access to a part of humanity, of eternity, of life, that we have forsaked in order to conform.

Oh, I dont know. I dont know where this is going...but I do know i have to go. Adios.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Presenting..due to popular demand...


This afternoon I put a blanket on my windowsill, and he had a brilliant time just lounging in the sun watching everyone come and go downstairs!

So guys, any names spring to mind? Oh and, the pictures dont do him justice! *sigh*

Stolen My Heart With A Meow

Two days ago, I took a step. A small step for mankind, a gigantic step for me. I adopted! He's less than a year old, with the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. Big green almond eyes that seem to search your soul when he meows for his supper. Yes, he's a cat. Perhaps more accurately, he's a catten. Not a kitten, not yet a cat. Oooh, I can see Britney making a fortune out of this one!
He's been with me 2 days already, and although he's stolen my heart, I just cant think of a name that suits him! Currently stuck between a few...including Toulouse. O'Malley was a favourite for a while..he had been hit by a car so his back legs are a bit wobbly still. Currently he swaggers around with a bit of a John Wayne strut! Same strut that Thomas O'Malley the alleycat had in "The Aristocats". My boy definately always gets the girls! Too bad he's *neutered* shhhh

Adopted him from this classic crazy cat lady. I swear to God her house is overrun with cats. I'm talking opening the front door and a swarm of cats milling in the hallway! Apparently though, once you adopt, (I keep referring to adoption because, and I kid you not, she made me sign ADOPTION PAPERS!!) you're not allowed to have a life. Nope, everything must be pushed aside for your cat..and although this seems to be what she herself chose to do, its not the path I personally feel inclined to walk!
"DUBLIN??!! YOU'LL BE GOING TO DUBLIN?? But...But...But what will happen to HIM??"
I assured her I would look after him, after which she turned to him and said "Did you hear that Sweetheart, you're going to be an international jetsetter!" So it seems I have to take him wherever I go. Lord above, it'll all work out, I cant be expected to decide all this now! By the way she was talking, she seemed to be expecting me to call up some random airline and book a seat for my cat "in the event that I may be travelling around the world for work purposes in ten years time!" ?!

She had named him Sweetheart. Although it suits him, he is a sweetheart!, I don't think I really want to be bringing up a cat with masculinity issues. Perhaps Hercules? Or Thor? Hmmmm...Or maybe the Rock! Ideas??