I was 16 years old when I got the chicken pox. In fact, I had to do my O'Levels in a room all on my own because I had them at the time. Needless to say, it wasn't that great a time. I was thinking today, and my thoughts wandered to a time back then when I was feeling at my most, shall we say, unattractive? One night laying in bed I remember how disgusting I felt, how spotty and ugly and horrible I was feeling, how I felt that noone would ever want to be anywhere near me. And as is usually the case in these kind of circumstances, I wasn't able to see the end of my chicken-pox ANYWHERE on the horizon. My cat Bimbo was laying on my pillow next to me that night; my spotty, calamine-lotion covered body disgusting even myself. I remember closing my eyes with the weariness of it all, when all of a sudden, for the first time and probably the last time, Bimbo leaned over and gently placed her forehead against mine; As if to say "Don't worry Zena, I don't think you're disgusting, and I will always want to be near you."
It still makes my heart melt thinking about it.
And some people don't like cats!!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Giblets Speaks The Truth
Years ago, I remember looking at Kofi Annan and having such respect and admiration for him. He seemed to be in such a poweful position. He seemed to be the epitome of good, with the ability to, with a nod of his head or a flick of his pen, put a stop to any wrongs being perpetrated across the world.
Alas, I look at him now and see nothing but weakness. I see nothing but defeat in his eyes, for although he is the Secretary General of the United Nations, he might as well be the Head French Fry Frier in MacDonalds.
Lebanon is being bombed for no good reason. The UN, and Kofi, have not even condemned it. They have not even taken advantage of what it seems to be is their only real ability. The ability to condemn actions. In fact, he chose to phrase any reference to the current bombing in terms of Hezbullah's involvement in it. "We cannot take the weapons from Hezbullah by force", he said.
Why not say, 'we cannot take the weapons from Israel by force. Palestinians cannot win back their rightful land by force, and yet, they can think of no other way to get through to them.'
Is everyone blind? Can they not see the inexcusable amounts of double standards ongoing in this world today?
Here in Ireland, the current unacceptable bombing of Lebanon, a country which had just managed to build itself up after so many years of civil wars, has received practically no news coverage. Nothing is being shown of the over-300 Lebanese civilians killed in this new branch of Israeli tyranny.
Someone once said that the most dangerous, and unbeatable form of tyranny, is when the tyrant claims to be doing all for your good. This seems to be the case; America and Israel get away with their atrocities because they perform them 'for our own good and in furtherance of freedom and democracy, which MUST be ideals we support, otherwise WE must be terrorists too'. Hah! Freedom is no more than a word in this case, and for the record, so is Democracy.
Allow me to quote Giblets' newest post:
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Now They Hate Us With Our Freedom!
Giblets takes a few weeks away from the blog and the whole world goes insane! After four years of justly convicting Guantanamo prisoners of classified crimes before a fair and impartial kangaroo court of their peers, a power-mad Supreme Court has ruled that the military tribunals at Gitmo are "illegal" and that the president has to "obey the law." Well this is just the kind of dangerous radicalism that leads to fascism and human rights! What are we going to do with these people, try them in actual courtrooms with lawyers, juries and "evidence"? That way lies madness - or worse, democracy! If we give our enemies actual rights they'll turn the deadly power of our justice system against us, smuggling weaponized due process into American cities, crashing the Fifth Amendment into skyscrapers, setting off radiological writs of habeas corpus in Times Square!1
And how are we going to fight the terrorists in the first place with our military tied up in bureaucratic red tape like the "Geneva Conventions" and the "Bill of Rights"? We can't give up our right to torture people while the enemy's still torturing people - that's unilateral disarmament in the torture race! We've already got an atrocity gap here, people! Oh sure, we're doing alright with our cutting-edge waterboarding, hypothermia and "beat them to death" programs, but we'll never catch up in this fight if we don't get access to their top secret beheading technology!2 It's a simple question of action and response. When they blow up a mosque, we massacre a village! When they chop off someone's head, we send someone else off to Uzbekistan to get boiled alive! That's the GWOT way! But none of these vital tools will be at our disposal if we've got activist judges shutting down our Pentagon torture programs and our secret CIA prisons and our crack commando baby-rape squads!3
That's why George W. Bush has to take this case to the highester court in the land: the court of George W. Bush. It's a tough bench alright, but Bush can win this one as long as he exercises his constitutional right to ignore the Constitution. The legal technicalities are pretty complicated but Giblets believes it involves filing a writ of neener neener according to the precedent of I Can't Hear You v. I'm Not Listening. Only then can the forces of freedom protect America from the hordes of Democrofascists that would menace her with their savage civil liberties!
1. You can't trust a New York jury to convict Osama bin Laden with his fancy legal maneuvers and his smooth-talking ways!
2. Oh, you complain about it now, but what if chopping off somebody's head could've prevented September 11th?
3. They're enemy baby combatants, people!
¶ posted by Giblets
You can check it out here
Alas, I look at him now and see nothing but weakness. I see nothing but defeat in his eyes, for although he is the Secretary General of the United Nations, he might as well be the Head French Fry Frier in MacDonalds.
Lebanon is being bombed for no good reason. The UN, and Kofi, have not even condemned it. They have not even taken advantage of what it seems to be is their only real ability. The ability to condemn actions. In fact, he chose to phrase any reference to the current bombing in terms of Hezbullah's involvement in it. "We cannot take the weapons from Hezbullah by force", he said.
Why not say, 'we cannot take the weapons from Israel by force. Palestinians cannot win back their rightful land by force, and yet, they can think of no other way to get through to them.'
Is everyone blind? Can they not see the inexcusable amounts of double standards ongoing in this world today?
Here in Ireland, the current unacceptable bombing of Lebanon, a country which had just managed to build itself up after so many years of civil wars, has received practically no news coverage. Nothing is being shown of the over-300 Lebanese civilians killed in this new branch of Israeli tyranny.
Someone once said that the most dangerous, and unbeatable form of tyranny, is when the tyrant claims to be doing all for your good. This seems to be the case; America and Israel get away with their atrocities because they perform them 'for our own good and in furtherance of freedom and democracy, which MUST be ideals we support, otherwise WE must be terrorists too'. Hah! Freedom is no more than a word in this case, and for the record, so is Democracy.
Allow me to quote Giblets' newest post:
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Now They Hate Us With Our Freedom!
Giblets takes a few weeks away from the blog and the whole world goes insane! After four years of justly convicting Guantanamo prisoners of classified crimes before a fair and impartial kangaroo court of their peers, a power-mad Supreme Court has ruled that the military tribunals at Gitmo are "illegal" and that the president has to "obey the law." Well this is just the kind of dangerous radicalism that leads to fascism and human rights! What are we going to do with these people, try them in actual courtrooms with lawyers, juries and "evidence"? That way lies madness - or worse, democracy! If we give our enemies actual rights they'll turn the deadly power of our justice system against us, smuggling weaponized due process into American cities, crashing the Fifth Amendment into skyscrapers, setting off radiological writs of habeas corpus in Times Square!1
And how are we going to fight the terrorists in the first place with our military tied up in bureaucratic red tape like the "Geneva Conventions" and the "Bill of Rights"? We can't give up our right to torture people while the enemy's still torturing people - that's unilateral disarmament in the torture race! We've already got an atrocity gap here, people! Oh sure, we're doing alright with our cutting-edge waterboarding, hypothermia and "beat them to death" programs, but we'll never catch up in this fight if we don't get access to their top secret beheading technology!2 It's a simple question of action and response. When they blow up a mosque, we massacre a village! When they chop off someone's head, we send someone else off to Uzbekistan to get boiled alive! That's the GWOT way! But none of these vital tools will be at our disposal if we've got activist judges shutting down our Pentagon torture programs and our secret CIA prisons and our crack commando baby-rape squads!3
That's why George W. Bush has to take this case to the highester court in the land: the court of George W. Bush. It's a tough bench alright, but Bush can win this one as long as he exercises his constitutional right to ignore the Constitution. The legal technicalities are pretty complicated but Giblets believes it involves filing a writ of neener neener according to the precedent of I Can't Hear You v. I'm Not Listening. Only then can the forces of freedom protect America from the hordes of Democrofascists that would menace her with their savage civil liberties!
1. You can't trust a New York jury to convict Osama bin Laden with his fancy legal maneuvers and his smooth-talking ways!
2. Oh, you complain about it now, but what if chopping off somebody's head could've prevented September 11th?
3. They're enemy baby combatants, people!
¶ posted by Giblets
You can check it out here
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