Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Letter To America From Iran

I'll tell you this much...but Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad is the only one who seems to be talking sense in this God Forsaken world of ours.


Apparently, George W Bush has refused to even acknowledge this letter, let alone answer it. Why?
Because for once someone is standing up to America's policies?
Because for once someone is strong enough to stand up to America and say, even though you are powerful, even though you are rich, even though every other country is scared of you, WE are not scared of you. We will NOT tolerate the way you treat the rest of the world. We will NOT STAND for being subjected to DOUBLE STANDARDS. We will not stand by and watch you ruin the world for the sake of your greed.

Probably. You see, sometimes, if you ignore something...it might just go away.
Not this time Bush..I really really hope.
Read the letter. How can you make up your minds if you don't know what both sides have to say? Click on the link, and read it.


ZanZoon said...

well said mom, well said!

Anonymous said...

Paul Meuse has sent you a link to a weblog:

Hello Zena,I'm a friend of Billy Wolohan & was in your 3rd year.I'm a
Vietnam vet.bush is trying to sell nukes to India while demanding a halt
to Iran's programme.
It's about keeping 'The Balance of Terror' i.e.Western nuclear powers
don't want others to have them.Paul

Blog: Zena's Thoughts
Post: Letter To America From Iran

ZanZoon said...

Hello Paul,
great to have you reading my blog and commenting! also great to have the opinion of someone who is a war veteran.
id really like to hear more of your opinions.
Nothing is done in this world for the reasons that are given. There is always an ulterior motive. I think it should be our priority to find out what those motives are. Or at least to question what they may be.

Anonymous said...

When I went to Vietnam i was 18 an naive. I made it my business to then read as much as i could about war and the history of Vietnam.

Leo Tolstoy once said: "In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful."

In the 19th Century Karl von Clausewitz a Prussian militarist said "War is the continuation of policy (politics) by other means."

The policy of the U.S. towards Iran reflects the fact that the U.S. has been at war with the Iranian people and nation since 1953 when the overthrew the democratically elected government of Of Iran.

'Operation Ajax' was the name of it. The whole purpose of U.S. diplomatic and military policy in the Gulf region is control of the oil.

A great account of how the U.S. masks it aggression with words of 'democracy' and 'freedom' is the forthright account of Major-General Smedley D. Butler USMC who said in the 1930's 'War is a Racket' "It always has been...It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
A search of his phamlet-google is interesting reading. Enough for now

ZanZoon said...


The human mind is a strange thing, for with all its greatness, its susceptibility to manipulation is so unbelievabley high. And in this day and age, the media is making this manipulation so much easier for those who wish to do so.

Words and phrases are given extraordinary power. Suddenly, you can't say anything bad about Israel without running the risk of being called anti-semitic. this word has been given such bad connotations through the media, that people would prefer to refrain from speaking the truth so as to ensure they are not labelled anti-semitic. facts are not brought to the fore if they shed bad light on israeli's. everything that is done in the name of 'israel' is excused on the basis of the suffering of the holocaust.
well, you don't see the descendants of the survivors of hiroshima or nagasaki committing atrocities and trying to get away with it on the basis of the nuclear attacks.

the worst thing Paul, is that most of the people in the world don't care. i mean, they actually don't care what's happening as long as they have all the things they want. As long as they have the latest play station, or shoes or whatever, they don't give a toss about anything else.

I just got your email. thanks for all that really interesting information. i can't believe there was someone in the class who shared my passion for this, and i didnt know it! haha we could have had alot of interesting conversations! im going to check out those sites, and i'll mail you back tomorrow.