Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What Loyalty Means

There's this guy I know...let's call him "X".
X grew up in America.
His parents are Arab.
He's currently finished his masters from a top US university, and is working as a paralegal in a well-known law firm. He plans to go to law school and then hopefully begin working for the US Government.
Since I've known him, which is about 7 years, X been trying to perfect his Arabic. He speaks it as much as he can, and is always going on about the Arabic food he eats with his parents and the Arabic things they do together. All in all, he proudly tells everyone who will listen that he is ARAB!
Brilliant isn't it?
Well it would be, if it wasnt so hypocritical.

You see, something that I should tell you about X is that he hasnt been to visit his family in the Middle East in a couple of years. His parents are always begging him to go with them and he refuses. In fact, he told me that he will continue to refuse until he finally gets that job with the US Government. Huh? That was my reaction. It could be 10 years before the job even comes up! Why? For what reason? Is it because he's too busy? Apparently not. Too broke? Again, answer in the negative. The reason he refuses to go to the Middle East, the country and area that he so proudly claims lineage to, is because he DOES NOT WANT A TRIP "HOME" TO JEOPARDISE HIS CHANCES OF WORKING FOR THE US GOVERNMENT!!!!! He said that before the US Government employs anyone, they run a complete check. If they found that he had visited the Middle East in the near past, then they would refuse to give him a job. And he accepts this!

Now, call me crazy, but isn't that a little bit hypocritical? So here he is telling the world that he is Arab, even though his accent and mentality are so very American, and yet, he then shys away from the connection for the sake of a job that he might not even get! Is America now putting conditions upon being Arab?? Can he not see that by abiding by this informal rule he is indirectly affirming their beliefs, and the beliefs that they insist on imposing upon the world, that being connected to the Arab world can only mean trouble. If that was him, I would tell them to take their job and shove it where the sun don't shine. How dare they restrict his access to the Arab world by a faint threat of future limitations upon his job choices! America will argue that as a Government employee one's first priority must lie with America. That the safety of America prevails. That by accepting to work for the Government, one has to accept limitations upon rights that one would otherwise have taken for granted. The 'right to travel' must take a back seat to the safety of the USA. This no doubt will include keeping away from 'terrorists', and countries where they come from. Fine, if that's the way they want it, they have every right. But perhaps X should stop and ask himself where his priorities lie. There are plenty of jobs out there, and I for one would prefer a job that paid a little less, if it meant I kept my dignity.

I am disgusted with his attitude to the situation. Will this attitude help the world as it stands? No, it will not. It is an attitude that merely affirms America's place to dictate what the world can or cannot do. X, you should be ashamed of yourself, and I have every intention of telling you this next time we speak. Don't call yourself an Arab, because one of the best traits of Arabs is their loyalty. And you my dear, I'm not even sure if you know what loyalty means!

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