Sunday, January 29, 2006

Working for Pittance

So here I am back at work again, another day another dollar. Or in my case, another day another unknown fraction of a dollar. You'd think I'd have sorted out my salary before I started working wouldn't you? Yes, I realise that would have been the logical thing to do. But as most people who know me also know, logical doesn't always cut it with me. Plus its only temporary and it's all about the experience..or so I'm told. I wonder how long I can surf the net and write my blog before anyone realises I'm not doing work yet?


KateOnTheGo said...

Can this be true? Is there someone out there just like me!?!? hehehe

I sympathise. I've run out of websites to surf. *sigh*

ZanZoon said...

haha a fellow work dodger! maybe its something about law that encourages surfing websites rather than working...! checked out your site, good on ya for ditching the law and going backpacking around the world! would love to be doing that!