Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

I really felt that I couldn't post today without making some reference to what day it is. If you don't know, shame on you. You either couldn't give a toss or else have been asleep the past couple of days while everyone else has been getting that Valentine fever. I know, what's the big deal about it? Still though, before I go on let me wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. Don't know if you celebrate it, but judging by the reactions of everyone I've seen today, it seems like the entire world just loves the whole idea about a day dedicated to love. And it is a great idea. To have one day dedicated to the people you love. To have one day in the year when you get to tell someone that you love them, or indeed even that you like them. But I ask you, has Valentines Day lost its meaning?

Does real romance still exist behind the billions of cards, the countless pesticide infected roses, the dozens of shoppers elbowing each other out of the way to get the last heart shaped box of additive-filled, chemically-coloured, sugar-coated goo that is most supermarket chocolate? Could it possibly exist? Has real love been completely drowned out by the stench of artificial affection? Has the society we live in made us so cynical that there exists no chance for any of us to truly give our heart and soul anymore?

I think it's wonderful to tell someone you love them, and even more importantly I think that it's vital to show someone you love them. But showing it does not mean buying them as much stuff in as many shades of pink and red as you can! That's not love. That's commercial love. It's like you're saying, right, I need to let you know that I love you, even though if you judged the strength of my love on my attitude towards you it would fall somewhere between "hate you to death" and "where's my gun". So how will I do it? Will I change my ways and be loving and caring towards you? Or will I just buy an outrageously large card and a life-size red mass of, what's supposed to represent a heart, shaped foam? Hmmm... I know...It's a tough one! Still though, the first would involve putting in an effort and actually changing my appalling personality. In this age of instant gratification, it's alot more appealing to choose the foam!

I would much rather if someone took the time to do something meaningful for me. To make something with their two hands. To write something for me. To search and search for something that I wanted but couldn't find. Even if they bought me something that they just knew I would love. An action that took time, an action that paid testament to the love behind it.

I went shopping for cards this afternoon and dear Lord, we stepped into the shop....a sea of RED. The place was filled with frantic shoppers on their lunch break searching for that meaningful present for their loved one. Suprisingly most of them were men. Although, to be quite honest I think that has a lot more to do with dread at the probable consequences of inaction on such a special day rather than a genuine desire to buy half dead flowers for their girlfriends.

Still though, I suppose we should give them some bit of praise. No matter how inadequete the action in the world of romance, at least they're trying. And let's face it...we all know we're going to stop by the teddy bear factory on our way home this evening! Sometimes, you've just got to conform.

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