Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Can I Take Him Home?

Haven't posted in a while, as I've been busy playing perfect housewife, cooking, cleaning and wiping snotty noses. The latter belonging to my cats! We sent our housemaid back to the Phillipines, and so now, being unemployed and unproductive, its all down to me!

Leaving AD on Friday... going to miss everyone so much! Yas, Ismaooool, Pieri, The Sagernator... what will I do without you guys??

I'll be chilling in London for a few days with the one and only Bathoona! Can't wait! Plus I get to meet the infamous Leen!

Then its back to Cork, where my friends are all waiting for me! And I'm so looking forward to seeing them all again! Dana, Shelly, Jacq, The 2 Liams, Daryl, Tara, Char, Ciara...to name but a few. Of course a very large amount of study is also waiting...not as enthusiastic about that!

On another note, my hair has grown already! It's no longer shockingly short anymore! Ahhh
Hmmm...maybe I should chop off a bit more before I leave?
Or else just take Nicola the genius hairdresser with me...I wish!
Having said that, if I could take people home with me...I'd take someone else as well!


Aoi_Chokoreto said...

Cant hardly wait!!planning each and every second already..

dmossop said...

Have fun in London, Hamleys, what a great shop!!! It snowed for a small bit back here too Zena and you missed it once more.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Zena is returning to Cork...like. Question is will she have shrugged off her Irishness and all that goes with it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is the lucky someone else you would take? or is it a secret

Anonymous said...

Who is the lucky someone you would take with you? or is it a surprise

Anonymous said...

Miss u too Zena!! Have fun in London!!