A STRAWBERRY? \caring and loving person? HAA who needs that when you can make people laugh?!? huh? huh huh? you see, i'm BANANA ! B A N A N A!!! KIDDING !! .. strawberries are good too, they are delicious.... and romantic and they are a fruit i can trust.
I had an extra minute at work so i thought i might say hello ! by the way, to witness the world's sexiest tennis match, view Dubai sports channel at 07:00 p.m. You don't wanna miss this
Ah, Banana. Welcome back home! Obviously as all of us here at Zena's Thoughts have been mourning his absense, Banana has been amusing himself by making people laugh and by watching sexy tennis Hmmm sexy tennis? Does it beat the Valentine Lovers? ;)
sniiff sniff.... i didn't get to watch sexyyy tennis.. i was called into work.
but look at that, you must make me an official partner to your website and pay me and appreciate my hard work. I got a completely random stranger, or a close friend of yours who likes to refer to him/herself as anonymous, to sing on your blog ! they did nothing but sing !! i'll bet no one sings on MC hammer's sight.
aaaahh zena, what will you do without me... tsk tsk , will you really be ok in Ireland, all alone, a strawberry with no banana. as you can see i'm trying to escape the reality that is called work by making up thoughtless scenarious and making useless remarks. forgive me, for i have been bored by the father, the cousin, and the rest of the immeadiate family.
great to hear i'll be leaving one banana for two others! ;)
on another note, why "home"? Why the inverted commas mossop? cork is as much home (without the inverteds) as AD is esp with all the great bananas around! haha
\caring and loving person? HAA
who needs that when you can make people laugh?!? huh? huh huh?
you see, i'm BANANA !
A N A N A!!!
KIDDING !! .. strawberries are good too, they are delicious.... and romantic and they are a fruit i can trust.
I had an extra minute at work so i thought i might say hello !
by the way, to witness the world's sexiest tennis match, view Dubai sports channel at 07:00 p.m. You don't wanna miss this
Ah, Banana. Welcome back home! Obviously as all of us here at Zena's Thoughts have been mourning his absense, Banana has been amusing himself by making people laugh and by watching sexy tennis
Hmmm sexy tennis? Does it beat the Valentine Lovers? ;)
Sing it with me!!
sniiff sniff....
i didn't get to watch sexyyy tennis.. i was called into work.
but look at that, you must make me an official partner to your website and pay me and appreciate my hard work. I got a completely random stranger, or a close friend of yours who likes to refer to him/herself as anonymous, to sing on your blog ! they did nothing but sing !! i'll bet no one sings on MC hammer's sight.
aaaahh zena, what will you do without me... tsk tsk , will you really be ok in Ireland, all alone, a strawberry with no banana.
as you can see i'm trying to escape the reality that is called work by making up thoughtless scenarious and making useless remarks.
forgive me, for i have been bored by the father, the cousin, and the rest of the immeadiate family.
This is gonna be one sad strawberry without banana around!
sniff sob
dont get me started ;)
hey Z, both myself and michelle got the banana, you can come back *home*
great to hear i'll be leaving one banana for two others! ;)
on another note, why "home"? Why the inverted commas mossop? cork is as much home (without the inverteds) as AD is esp with all the great bananas around! haha
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