Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Full Fat Mistake?

For the past few years I have been annoyed over and over again by those who feel obligated to question my choice of foods.
Yes, bar the white bread which I agree is less tasty and nutricious than its brown counterpart, I feel that if I want to eat or drink something, I want to eat or drink something that doesnt taste like its been put through a rubber factory. Additives, Preservatives, EI this, BA this, Vitamin this, Mineral that. It really is a bit too much to handle at times. And well, forgive me if sometimes I feel the need to have something NATURAL in my system. Sure, real butter has some fat, but is that a bad thing? It has taste! It has quality! And to me, thats worth the extra millimetre around my waistline. I remember living with this over-weight, obnoxious, arrogant girl who was always trying to lose weight. It was quite amusing watching her have dinner every night, because along with the pound of lard, she always made sure to have skimmed milk! Got to have your priorities right you know!
Of course, as it is with all media inflicted ideas, there came a time when I too began to question my choices. Began to question whether I too was committing a sin with each gulp of full fat milk cascading down my throat into my stomach. Whether "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" applied to dairy after all.
Finally though, what did it for me, was the fact that dairy actually clouds your aura. Its not good for your vocal chords, and apparently not good at all for your spirituality and to be honest, when I was feeling quite misty and aura-clogged the other day, I decided that I needed to cut down on my dairy consumption. Granted, it was neither concern about my weight nor my physical health that prompted the shift in perception, but a concern for my other-wordly qualities, I was sure that this new outlook would be greeted with agreement, acknowlegment, a "well, its about time"!
Going into a random little shop I came across, I walked confidently over to the fridges, and reached for "LOW FAT MILK". Imagine my suprise when, as I placed the milk on the counter to pay for it, the old woman behind the till gave me the look I had been on the receiving end of for many years, and with a voice full of disbelief and worry at the tragic mistake I was about to make, turned to me and said "No dear, you must have made a mistake, this is actually LOW FAT MILK!!"
*Sigh* You just can't win can you?


Aoi_Chokoreto said...

A wise friend once said 'if youre going to do something wrong..DO IT RIGHT!!'

butter?goood..full fat milk?gooooood..cheese?gooooooooooooood.

frogman said...

in continuation of aoi_chokoreto's comment.. ice cream? good.. mayonaise? gooood.. more cheese? gooooood.. chocolate? very goooood.. i know i know i get no points for originality.. but hey.. all is goooood ;-)