Saturday, July 15, 2006

And so it was...

And so it was she found herself a part of one of those couples she used to look at and pity. She sat there next to him, neither one of them talking, staring not at one another but at the man standing singing in the corner. Arms almost mandatorily entwined, looking like they had been together so long they had run out of things to say to one another. A wall had been erected between them, and hard as it was to accept, she knew that it had been her who had built it. Whether it was a quick process, or one of long, tedious labour, even she could not tell you. Had it grown brick by brick with every thing he had said that had annoyed, with every action which confirmed he was not the man for her? Or had it just shot up overnight, over the space of a few hours, like the ivy one suddenly notices has consumed one’s house?
It had been fruitless anyhow; she could have told you it would have been. And yet, she had foolishly listened when all around her pushed them together. She had naively believed that the love she held for him could be converted to romantic love, as easily as one would change currency before travelling abroad. Yes, she had loved him. She still did. A tender, genuine love; But not like that.
And yet, how could she now break his heart? Break the heart that had waited so long for her? She wondered if her life’s actions should depend firstly on how they affect others and lastly on how they affected her? But, could she, and should she, justify a relationship which did not penetrate to the depths of her soul and emotions? No, she could not. She could see no reason large enough to justify fooling her heart and his. Fooling his that she felt for him as he did for her, and fooling hers that she would develop such feelings over time.
Love grows with time, that is true, but earth-shaking, world-shattering love; there’s no way to generate that. It’s either there or it’s not, and you can know the chances of its being there from the first moment you catch eyes, or the first real conversation you share, or the first time your lips meet. Yes, you know. And yet, so many of us are prepared to settle for nothing more than “nice”. Perhaps we feel we should not be so conceited as to assume we deserve anything more? This may be true. But as she sat there, these thoughts whirling about her mind, she knew that she would rather wait for that earth-shattering love, than wait for the time never to come when this “nice” man would turn her world upside down and inside out. For, when it comes to love, the last thing you want to be is standing feet firmly on the ground.


Anonymous said...

Oh Zena! Stop it! Romantic love is most certainly a trap. Yet another method by which the cunning manipulate the unaware. Foisted upon us by Hollywood the idea that somewhere, sometime a magical prince will walk in and save us, and everything will be rosy. NONONONONO. Don't let them suck your soul! And not saying we should submit to mundanity in any way. But we have it in our power to *generate* that feeling, summon it up until the air becomes thick and heavy , and we weep all our memories out! The more we do it, the better we become. And of course 2 people generating it is better than 1 :)

ZanZoon said...

FINALLY Finn you've left a comment! I feel as though we should celebrate this somehow! let me know if you come up with an idea! :) About what you said, yes I agree that it[romantic love] can most definitely be generated. Absolutely. Most of the time, what alot of people think of as "romance" is their minds seeing what they want it to see, picking up clues that they want it to pick up. thats why its so hard to tell a person in love with another that he/she doesnt really love reciprocally, as even a "hi" would be evidence enough for them.

yes, we can generate it, and thats why the girl i refer to knew that it was her who had nipped that romance in the bud. her judgmental attitude triumphed and perhaps it ended something which could have been great. who knows. i dont. she knew that if she put in the effort she could generate that feeling, and make him feel it too. does a smile which is forced eventually become real?

thats why most marriages that are the result of a whirlwind romance don't really work out. soon enough they realise that hollywood was lying. as you already know.

ah finnester, i miss our chats. ill be in cork city from tuesday, but ill be studying 24/7. still though, we might meet if you're around.
keep commenting!!