Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Darling Bimbo

I was 16 years old when I got the chicken pox. In fact, I had to do my O'Levels in a room all on my own because I had them at the time. Needless to say, it wasn't that great a time. I was thinking today, and my thoughts wandered to a time back then when I was feeling at my most, shall we say, unattractive? One night laying in bed I remember how disgusting I felt, how spotty and ugly and horrible I was feeling, how I felt that noone would ever want to be anywhere near me. And as is usually the case in these kind of circumstances, I wasn't able to see the end of my chicken-pox ANYWHERE on the horizon. My cat Bimbo was laying on my pillow next to me that night; my spotty, calamine-lotion covered body disgusting even myself. I remember closing my eyes with the weariness of it all, when all of a sudden, for the first time and probably the last time, Bimbo leaned over and gently placed her forehead against mine; As if to say "Don't worry Zena, I don't think you're disgusting, and I will always want to be near you."

It still makes my heart melt thinking about it.

And some people don't like cats!!


SunShine said...

awww... im sure it wasn't that bad. But we tend to be hard on ourselves =

Anonymous said...

dont be fooled-its not that legend has it...but in reality if a dogs master died, the dog will stay by the body and protect him/her. A cat however will feed off the decomposing flesh if he/she gets hungry. It is a sensible saying..a dog is truly a mans best friend!!

ZanZoon said...

great to finally have you blogging shelly! lol interesting note to start your commenting on! haha
ive heard that story before, it may be true, i have no way of knowing, but that still doesnt make my cats any less cute! :)