Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Pointless Job and A Living Mouse

Oh my God I hate this job. I hate it so much I cannot describe it. It's sucking the life out of me. It's so annoyingly idotic and if I have to stay here one more minute I think I'm going to scream. I have to leave it, if only for my sanity. I have to go NOW. I'm packing my bags and I'm going, and if anyone asks me why, I shall answer: It is because I must.

I will not work anymore for a company that insists on me chaining my prehistoric stone age lap top to my desk and makes me take it home every night chain and all. They should be paying someone take this piece of junk off their hands. As I type the mouse has decided of its own accord not to work. My lap top's mouse is on strike people! My lap tops mouse has a mind of its own, which is more than I can say for the majority of employees here. Now I'm definately leaving!


Anonymous said...

But..but..what about the department Zena...the departmenttt!!...they need yooouuu!!!...If u leave, the department would cease to exist...forever!!

ZanZoon said...

True raise a good point. I have to think about the department! What would they do without me?!? haha me...the sole life of it, the reason that its still standing (also the only person in it!)

It's ok though... boss came back last night!