Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sick Bed Within The Firm

There is this guy in my office who has been sick for the last week. Well apparently anyhow.

I say apparently because, the only evidence of this "sickness" is his constant moping around and continuous complaining! You'd swear he was on his death bed the way he's been carrying on.
The long face, the half-closed eyes, the slow labourous shuffle, the polite little sniffle every now and then. It's enough to drive anyone crazy! He's been on this anit-biotic, that anti-biotic, this painkiller, that painkiller, 2 tablets 3 times a day, 3 tablets 2 times a name it he's done it. And yet, do you think he's actually finished any of these courses of tablets??NO
Do you think he's taken them at the times he's supposed to have taken them??NO
I called him on it today, and some way or another he blamed that on his doctors. I say doctors because he has been to several!!

What is particularly annoying about it all is that they guy probably isn't all that sick really. He's probably got a little tickle in his throat and from that has deduced that he's got some life-threatening throat disease. Or virus as he keeps referring to it as. If it's not the bird flu one then keep quite! Honest to God, anything for a little bit of sympathy huh? If he had to put up with monthly cramps and what not I don't know how he'd survive. Probably wouldn't really, would he?!

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