Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just "Fine"!

"Fine". The word has lost all meaning. Or perhaps aquired a new meaning. You see, nowadays, something is only fine if it, in actual fact, really isnt fine at all. Fine has evolved into "not-fine". Like if everytime you said yes you really meant "not-yes" (ie. no). Come to think of it though, isnt that what most women do?
I honestly prefer dealing with men, because they will always say yes when they mean yes, and no when they mean no. Although, I fear perhaps that this yardstick of sanity that the world has been clinging to throughout the ages is indeed sinking beneath the emergence, and recent creation, of the Metrosexual male. The man who is comfortably in touch with his feminine side. Who knows the winners of this years Oscars, and the location of his cuticles. Ask a man 10 years ago where his cuticles were and he'd think you were hitting on him!
I remember once, while taking part in a pageant, visiting a sheep farm. Our days were filled with visiting different places, and people, and yes, one day we were taken to a sheep farm. Needless to say, sheep farmers were present. Many of them. They were greatly removed from metrosexuality, and any type of sexuality I'd venture to guess! Anyhow, they were enjoying their day. Watching the girls in their pretty dresses sink lower and lower as their stilettos sank into the mud beneath their feet. Some girls mistakenly wore sandals. Myself and another included. And herein lies the story..for, and I swear to God, as we passed two sheep farmers on our way through the muck, one turned to the other, and with a face as serious as I've ever seen, said "Jesus Mick, but they've got fine toes too!"
Of course, here 'fine' meant 'fine'. and so I return to the point of my post. Which is that we should just stop asking people how they are. Because, all we're going to hear is "fine". Which actually means "not-fine", and really doesn't help the situation at all. Because you're not really getting a proper answer to your question. Of course, you could just not give a rats tail about how that person really is. Which I also fear, mostly is the case. So perhaps, we should go on asking people how they are when we couldnt care less, and hearing an answer that we know isnt true, but are thankful for, because when you meet someone in passing, the last thing you want to hear about is the fungus growing on their toes, or God forgive, the fact that they may be so hopeless and helpless and despairing that the only way out they can see is to end the life they've been given. No. Perhaps "fine" will do just fine. For now anyhow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...