Friday, February 24, 2006

Angelic Inspiration

I am not ready, Lord I'm not
Prepared to settle with my lot
Forgo my hopes, desires and dreams
Still the waters of my lifes streams
For what should I make this sacrifice?
I ask you why I should pay this price
For Stability? Routine? Domestic Bliss?
Ah Death! I'd sooner accept your kiss
This can't be all that life will be
To live in chains and never be free
Chained to traditions and expectations
Blinding myself to my situation
Believing that I have my autonomy
Solely controlling my destiny
Ah, what a fool I am and I should be
If I close my eyes to this tragedy
And blindy follow where they have all gone
Ignoring my caged hearts desperate song
If I should refuse to search for love
Be indifferent to the wonders of heaven above
Why then I would simply be fooling myself
Remaining rooted upon my shelf
Angels above please show me the light
Help me have courage, honour and might
Courage to soar to spiritual heights
Honour to do what I know is right
And finally Might, so I may be strong
And resist the temptation to be strung along
I owe it to myself to be true to me
To be all that I ever wanted to be.

I didnt win that competition, so I'm posting some of the poems I entered. Here's one that I wrote last June, just after graduating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great poem Zena!! Its got lots of feeling and intellignce. Don't let it bother you that it didnt win. Keep on entering your poetry. I know some day you will be very famous.