Monday, January 30, 2006

Are We Boycotting the Right Products?

I'm just wondering why the Arab world is so quick to boycott Danish products, and yet has not yet made any serious effort to effectively boycott Israeli goods. Has the so-called state of Israel never offended Islam and Muslims?? I agree with taking a stand for what you believe in, whatever side that may be, however I think that we should question why we find it so easy to stand up to Denmark and so hard to stand up to "Israel". Why not visit and have a look at the amount of things you use on a daily basis that are linked to the "country" that has been the cause of such death, destruction and irreparable damage.


Anonymous said...

And come to think of it American products are used all the time????

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with everything you said however I have a few points to add.

The reason why muslims have given more attention to the denmark cartoon illustrations is because it has attacked every muslim's weakness and that is the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)..(WAS THAT INTENTIONAL?)

In addition to that, the danish government's response was this was a form of "freedom of speech".Who gave them the right to contribute thier ABSURD views on Islam?(THEY HAVE CLEARLY GOT IT WORNG). If they were really desperate for religious illustrations, Why didn't they cover Christianity?(something they MIGHT have some knowledge of). Just as a point I dont think illustrations on Christianity would be funny either but if they were desperate maybe they should have.

Secondly, I really do try to boycott products from Israel but Denmark's reaction has been unacceptable and they deserve to be boycotted. I praise the governments who removed thier ambassadors from that country.

Watching the news today, I realised how naive some people are. Well, to begin with, they are SHOCKED by the muslim's reactions (The threats,the fire in syria and Lebanon, the shutdown of some embassies etc)...Are they serious?What did they expect from muslims let alone Islamic fundamentalists? Did they expect them to give a silent protest? of course not!!We are faithful and respectful to our religion with a passion bigger that all religions put together...

And today a reporter of "The Times" was showing an illustration published in an arabic newspaper with a cartoon mocking Bush, Chirac and Blair. She thought that was an offense but the illustrations of the Prophet (PBUH) Freedom of Speech?GIVE ME A BREAK!

dmossop said...

For those who actually want to see the cartoons and decide their own thoughts on them, here is the link.

My main disliking is that, majority of people in the Christian community say whats the harm, and I am only guessing, but majority of the people in the the Muslim Community are complaining. I would like to know, out of all the people making what seem to be very strong feelings on the issue, how many have actually seen them. Some are very harmless while others do mock Mohammed.

No matter what, I do think it is disgraceful that 9 people have died over this incidence. There is no reasoning for what is a drawing on a piece of paper to end a persons life. This is disregarding religious faiths and beliefs, there is no reasoning to the killing of humans over such an act.

The idea of religion is having faith in some higher being, your faith should be strong enough not to be swayed by what should be an innocuous set of drawings.

ZanZoon said...

What wise words Yousef..
how can we expect the world not to judge Muslims on the basis of actions of a minority, when Muslims are judging Denmark and the Danish on the actions of a minority there.

Anonymous said...

Zena, i'm not the best person to comment on this because i do tend to have an irreverant sense of humour. I noted this before in an e-mail to you.

But, there is another ironic twist to the cartoon saga. Two weeks (I'm not sure exactly) before the Danish newspaper printed the cartoon of the Prophet they rejected one by the same cartoonist about Jesus. The cartoon made some analogy to the paedophile scandal within the Catholic church.

Their reason for rejecting the cartoon was that they (the editorial board) deemed it offensive to Christians!

To me, there is a balance between freedom of speech and causing offense. I enjoy and collect politial cartoons (i have some Nixon ones from the 1970s). But, they only cause offense to politicians and they deserve it.

I find that the sad thing is that people of all religions use religion for violence.

Bush, often asks God (foto ops) to bless America, yet he drops boms, missiles, depleted uranium on the Iraqi and Afghanistan people. If he is a Christian he forgets (deliberately ignores) the what Jesus said 'Love thy enemy'.

I believe that this was said because if we tried to love our enemies, then there would be no war.

I believe that the boycott approach is better. Maybe it should be extended to U.S. and UK products until there is a complete withdrawal from the Gulf states.

During the 1970s I participated in boycotts against American companies that did business with the South African Apartheid regime.