Monday, January 30, 2006


God the world is paranoid. The world is paranoid, and I get paranoid as a result. When people start thinking that everyone is out to get them, it's only a matter of time before everyone will start thinking that people in general are out to get them. Let me give you an example; When you go to the store, pay for something and get change you check the change expecting there to be too much or too little? There's something to think about, and something to watch out for when you begin to realise that this media-driven, greedy, money-hungry world we live in is beginning to turn us all against each other. Encouraging us all to become so self-obsessed that we fail to see things other than from our own point of view. When the world we live in takes a step back from reality and becomes based entirely on the workings of the ficitional lives that society has created for us, we begin to lose whatever grip we once had on that closely governed ideal of sanity.
Paranoia is the vine that winds tighter the more I struggle to be free.

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