Saturday, February 04, 2006

Final Nail In The Coffin

That's it now. One of the final nails in the coffin has been hammered in. The bait was thrown and eagerly consumed by the masses. There is a certain government in this world joyfully rubbing their hands together under their star spangled banner, and saying "I told you so!". For with yesterdays actions in Syria the Arab world has succeeded in ensuring that much of Europe will now turn their backs on them and march towards the West.
The torching of the Danish and Norweigian embassies in Damascus is just what alot of people could have hoped for. The calculated reluctance of the Danish editor to apologise has spurred on what can only now escalate. Perhaps they wanted to see how far they could go before something like this happened. How can people act logically when such an enormous amount of emotion is involved? Emotion that has been simmering beneath the surface over the years, and has finally reached boiling point. Someone once described Arabs as having unparralled strength and conviction when acting alone, but much weakness when acting together. Nothing can be gained from such violence, because there are others who have been quietly and secretly calculating events that would lead to these reactions. In showing our defiance, we are playing right into their hands.
Oh, but we cannot see the wood for the trees.

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