Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Majority-Rule Principle

The majority-rule principle seems to apply in societal as well as business circumstances since it is apparent that most people are happy and willing to go along with the majority of the population. Oh yes, there does exist the odd minority that is brave enough to stand up and voice a different opinion. But the problem is that most of the majority has closed their minds to the possibility of other valid opinions and views. Yes, our world has been struck by the majority-rule principle.

What the majority votes must be obeyed. Yet, who encompasses the majority of this world? Surely population figures should be the determinant. However, those who rule the world as a pre-requisite must be educated. This rules out the majority of our world's people. In reality, those who have political power and money are the ones who are running our world. Qualification is not an issue. Simply, Power Rules. Today, the United States has, in ways not always legal, succeeded in ensuring that it remains the sole superpower of the world. Americans and their values have become the norm, especially when television and the internet ensure that these values and norms remain a permanent fixture in the homes of most of the world.

To digress, the almost global acceptance of the illegal state of Israel and its people has been almost completely as a result of the attitude towards them displayed in the American media. That is, the attitude displayed by this majority power of the world towards Israel has set down the norm against which all nations attitude towards Israel will be judged. Actions diverging from the norm will be condemned, regardless of whether the norm is in fact the correct standard to apply in terms of humanity, legality and so on.

But what may I ask is the perception of Muslims and Arabs displayed in the American media? Entertainment shows almost never involve Arab or Muslim characters. While media bosses thoroughly ensure that a representative of most ethinic and religious minorities appear on all current TV shows, they seem to forget that Arabs and Muslims do exist and in fact form a large part of American society. The only exposure given to them is on the news when America and, due to satellite television, consequently the world, are exposed to images of evil Arab terrorists and fanatical Muslims. The news flashes pictures of riots and civil unease, of angry Arabs screaming a language most do not understand - no doubt lamenting the implementation of another one of the United States cruel foreign policies and the fact that the laments will fall on deaf ears. With little or no evidence to the contrary, Americans and the world come to believe that with Arabs and Muslims only comes trouble. The different accounts of the characteristics of Arab people coming from someone whose only contact with the Middle East comes through the television on the one hand, and someone who spent time living among and befriending Arabs on the other hand, are unbelievably different. In a sense, the opinion given on Arabs and Muslims in the Western media is extremely unfair. It's a case of bad publicity, and in the case of world politics, bad publicity is not better than no publicity.

Let us stop blaming a religion and a race of people for the worlds current problems. Instead, let us examine the events that led to our current situation and let us realise that the norm is not always correct. And finally, if we must blame someone, then let us blame ourselves. For we have accepted this norm as legitimate and have not bothered to come to our own conclusions. It is time we stood up to the norm, because as Ghandi once said: "Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth."


Anonymous said...

I completly agree with all you write Zena unfortunatly in todays world where most people just sit and watch TV for entertainment they definatly get a wrong impression of anyone or anything outside their home, as lets face it they never read, travel or are not even interested to find out about other nationalities, religion, etc. Only when people travel and get a chance to meet others do they have a clear view of the world and its people. So my advise to all is travel, meet people and then make up your own mind and not listen to other people views. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to travel and live outside my mother country and feel that it has definately helped me to make my own decisions concerning other race and things in general. Keep up your writing. You are not afraid to air your opinions.You will make a great Barrister.

Anonymous said...

Great piece..HOWEVER
Let us try to explain to most Americans (those who have never left the USA and a few who have actually travelled but may be slightly ignorant) that we no longer live in tents and the last time I actually saw a tent was when I was camping in America, before we even try to explain our religious values and all about the arab culture etc.