Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Midnight Inspiration

I was trying to sleep one night last summer, and suddenly this just came into my mind, so I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it down before I forgot it.

I search and search but cannot find
The balme I seek to soothe my mind
For as I reach with outstretched hand
It eludes my grasp like grains of sand
Taunting me, Teasing me, Willing me on
With snatches and fragments of mystical songs
A sound so familiar and yet so strange
A tune that's forgotten until it's heard again
But the spell that it weaves about my soul
Like the thread of devotion 'tween a mare and her foal
Flows within me and merges with the blood in my veins
I've heard it once so I'll hear it again



Anonymous said...

Zena you surely have a great poetic mind. Your poetry will be famous some day. Write a book of poetry and publish it because it will definatly be a best seller. I am sure of that because your poetry has feeling and passion.So get writing and publish this year.


Anonymous said...

i'd agree with that,very lovely
keep writing poetry zena

ZanZoon said...

Thanks for the comments guys! Yousef, I'm working on putting together a poem in Arabic...you might be waiting a while. Or maybe not! :)