Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Nuclear Power Pecking Order

NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Probably to be the eventual cause of the worlds end some day. I hate violence and, more so, I hate the fact that some countries have the ability to wipe out the entire world with just the pushing of a few buttons. Noone should have that power. Just as I stongly believe that noone should feel justified in taking away innocent lives, I also believe that noone should be in possession of such immense power. However, nuclear power exists and there is nothing that can be done now to rid the world of it. I am well aware of the arguments in favour of nuclear power, but I also realise that with great power comes the capacity for great evil.

My question for you is, why is it that the United States seems to have most of the say when it comes to deciding which countries have the "right" to own and control nuclear weapons? Personally, I believe no country should have access to such weaponery, but I do understand that with technological advancement comes the the advancement of weapons. Today, the nuclear bomb is the perhaps the single greatest weapon one could hope to have. If it ended up in the wrong hands, it could mean the end of the world as we know it. Since it is inevitable that countries will develop nuclear programmes, care must be taken that unstable and volatile countries be prevented from such development. I understand all of this, and yet,
Although Israel has never admitted a nuclear capability, defence analysts have concluded that Israel has the most extensive and sophisticated nuclear arsenal outside of the major powers.

Let's be realistic, would you really believe that this illegal state, this modern example of classic colonialisation, would you really believe that Israel would refrain from getting in on the action? With something like, 2.5 BILLION dollars (forgive me if I'm a little off mark, I'm recalling from memory) allocated out of the the US Budget 2006 to Israel in "foreign aid", can we really be so naive as to assume that most of this money will not go into developing weapons? After Israel was illegally founded in 1948, talented physicists were flown in from Europe to begin work on a nuclear program. As it was surrounded by Arab countries which were hostile to its existence (Gee, I wonder Why!!??) it was decided that nuclear technology had to be developed as the ultimate deterrent.

So here we have the (so-called) state of Israel in possession of nuclear arms, with all the world accepting it, and then there are other countries worldwide, for example Iran, getting into major trouble for trying to achieve what Israel so easily did in 1948. That is, beginning a nuclear program. IS ISRAEL SO MUCH LESS OF A THREAT??
Has Israel never committed atrocious, monstrous acts of violence?
Has Israel never killed innocent civilians for a land which does not even rightfully belong to the Israelis?
The fact that the land does not belong to them seems to have been overlooked by most of the world. An air of acceptance of the inevitable hangs about the world. "We cannot get Israeli's out of there, so we should just forget the injustice of it all!" Unfortunately, realistically it is improbable that Israelis will ever get out of Palestine. However, such circumstances make us question just who is running the world anyhow? America?

Unfortuntely, the truth is that the US is indeed pulling the strings all over the world today. The only superpower left is holding strong and doing its darn all to ensure that it will not be vacating this prestigious position anytime soon. And why should it want to? Surely if you held so much power that the rest of the world did not even have the courage to stand up to you while you commited illegal international acts, well surely you would not want to give it up either.
Where is the courage in the world???? Why can't potential superpowers of the world snap back to reality and realise that it IS possible to stand up to America. We managed just fine before America was discovered and we can live without them now.

The problem that exists is that the world has become irreversibly dependant on this ficticious world we have created for ourselves - the world of consumerism and materialism. Greed rules the planet, and blinds our eyes to the injustices it leads to. Just as Ireland's famine was the result of the greed of others, with all wheat and grain being shipped out to England leaving Ireland's people dying of starvation, most of the worlds starving could be saved if economics and greed did not play a part.
Shock-Horror that we should allow the price of goods to fall by shipping the surplus to starving people all over the world. No, we should destroy this food that would save peoples lives. It seems that as long as actions do not harm the West, then they are not classified as bad.

Get your act together and get your priorities right. Now is not the time for hatred and violence. Let us put our differences aside and realise that not everyone can be the same. We must unite to fight the evil that surges through our world. Greed can only be overcome when we realise that in our haste to have the most, we have lost the one thing that can save this world from its impending destruction - empathy. For it is only when we understand that we can accept.

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