Thursday, February 09, 2006

Petitions And The Avian Flu

I just got word that the petition that was set up to get me back to Cork (see my Got 'Da Cork Blues post) has been signed by 89 people. (before I go on...isn't that so cool?!)
Apparently I said I'd go back when it got to 100.... hmm
Perhaps now I can have a valid excuse to leave work earlier than originally planned! Great!
So how long exactly do I get after the 100th signature before I have to fulfil my oral obligation and head back to Cork?

On another note, my boss is away for a week. I thought I'd get the week off. Wishful thinking apparently because not only do I not have the week off...I'm being put in charge of the legal department. Yes, I know I'm just as shocked as you. But really, considering the department is comprised of a grand total of 2 people, myself included, it would be pretty logical to assume that when my boss decided to go skiing in Switzerland for a week I would get stuck with his work.
Oh Lord! I actually think I feel a touch of the flu coming on... perhaps even of the avian strain. Might be better if I stayed in bed for a while. You know, just for the sake of the company and all.
That should buy me some time...

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